Location : Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong No. 1F, Pakulonan Barat, Kelapa Dua, Tangerang, Banten (15810)
Base Rent : -
Service Charge : -
VAT : 10%
Ruko Fifth Avenue terletak di Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong, Tangerang bersebelahan dengan Summarecon Mall Serpong dan memiliki lokasi yang sangat strategis karena berada di area komersial yang mandiri dan dikelilingi berbagai macam fasilitas disekitar lokasi seperti bank, restoran, hotel, bakery, ekspedisi dan berbagai fasilitas lainnya. Tersedia 4 (empat) ruko yang dijual dengan luas tanah dan luas bangunan bervariasi yaitu LT 80 m2/ LB 225 m2, LT 88 m2/ LB 225 m2, LT 89 m2/ LB 225 m2, LT 99 m2/ LB 250 m2 dengan penawaran harga Rp. 6.750.000.000,- (Enam Milyard Tujuh Ratus Lima Puluh Juta Rupiah) untuk setiap rukonya dan semua ruko sudah dalam kondisi tersewa saat ini. Penawaran harga merupakan harga negosiasi dan diluar biaya pajak dan biaya-biaya lainnya. Gambar gallery merupakan gambar image dari beberapa sumber di internet. Apabila Anda membutuhkan informasi tambahan dan melakukan kunjungan ke lokasi, Anda dapat menghubungi Roberto : 0817 700 401. (English) Ruko Fifth Avenue is located at Jl. Boulevard Gading Serpong, Tangerang is adjacent to Summarecon Mall Serpong and has a very strategic location because it is an independent commercial area and is surrounded by various facilities around the location such as banks, restaurants, hotels, bakeries, expeditions and various other facilities. There are 4 (four) Ruko that are sold with various land areas and building sizes, such as LT 80 m2 / LB 225 m2, LT 88 m2 / LB 225 m2, LT 89 m2 / LB 225 m2, LT 99 m2 / LB 250 m2 with price quotes Rp. 6,750,000,000, - (Six Billion Seven Hundred and Fifty Million Rupiah) for each Ruko and all Ruko are currently in rented condition. The price quote is a negotiated price and excludes taxes and other fees. Gallery images are images from several sources on the internet. If you need additional information and to make a visit to the site, you can contact Roberto: 0817 700 401.....
Office Hour
Monday - Friday : 24 hours
Saturday : 24 hours
Availbility Area
Area : Terlampir
Floor : -
Condition : Terlampir